Registration for Jökulsárhlaup 2025 starts March 1st, 12 at noon.
Next run is on 9th of august 2025 after :
General informations
You can choose from three race distances in Dettifoss trail run: 32,7 km, 21,2 km and 13 km. Longest race starts from Dettifoss. Middle distance starts from Hólmatungur and the shortest race starts from Hljóðaklettar (Vesturdalur). All the races end on the same finnish line in Ásbyrgi.
Starting time for the races are as follow: race from Dettifoss starts 10:30 am, race starts from Hólmatungur 11:30 am and from Hljóðaklettar the runners start at 12:30 pm. This is done in that order to make sure that all the runners are crossing the finnish line at similar times.
Timing stops at 03:30 pm and shortly after that the award ceremony for first 3 places starts.
There are 5 drink stations on the trail from Dettifoss, 4 from Hólmatungur and 3 from Hljóðaklettar.
Please look at the map on this page for more details.
Runners must sign in at Gljúfrastofa Visitor Centre in Ásbyrgi on Saturday, August 10th to receive their running number. The Visitor Centre rest room downstairs can be used for changing clothes.
Sign-in time depends on running distance. Runners are kindly asked to respect time limits and sign up in time. The time schedule is as follows:
Race distance | Sign in at visitor centre | Bus leaves | Race starts |
Dettifoss - Ásbyrgi | 08:00 | 09:20 | 10:30 |
Hólmatungur - Ásbyrgi | 09:20 | 10:30 | 11:30 |
Hljóðaklettar - Ásbyrgi | 10:30 | 11:40 | 12:30 |
Buses will transport runners to each of the three starting posts. Conditions vary from point to point, but runners should have 10-20 minutes to warm up before the run. None of the starting posts has changing facilities only dry toilets.
Runners can leave marked bags with clothing etc. on the bus to pick up in Ásbyrgi after the race. No responsibility is taken for valuables in these bags.

Please visit our facebook page for furter information and updates
Map of the trail